

At some point, every leader understands the critical role of well-established processes in a technology organization.

Processes help to run an organization by providing structure, efficiency, and accountability. They define the steps and procedures that need to be followed to achieve specific goals and objectives, which helps to streamline operations and reduce errors.

Processes also help to create consistency and standardization in the way work is done, which leads to increased efficiency and productivity. By having clear procedures in place, employees know what is expected of them and how to perform their tasks effectively.

Moreover, processes help to ensure accountability by assigning roles and responsibilities, and tracking performance. By monitoring and measuring the results of processes, organizations can make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their operations.

Overall, effective processes help an organization to be more organized, efficient, and effective in achieving its goals, which ultimately leads to greater success and competitiveness.

The hardest part is to make the right things regulated in the right way. That's art of management. You can start with identifying the key processes in your organization and putting them on paper to have a guide for everyone involved. It will give everyone understanding of what's expected from them and streamline the feedback about improving the processes.

In case you're just started to think of the proper process management in the company, we'll name a few processes that you will want to have in the first place:

  1. Goal management process: how you set, monitor and achieve goals in your organization
  2. Finance management process: keep an eye on your financials in a consistent way
  3. Access management process: procedures of granting and revoking access to the company's systems, as well as regular access audits. A part of a bigger Security management process
  4. Incident management process: when there is an incident with your customers, partners or products, you want to deal with it fast maintaining the good level of communication
  5. Project delivery process: how you deliver initiatives across the company. A primary process for PMO (Project Management Office)
  6. Software development lifecycle (SDLC): how you build, test and ship software
  7. Risk management process: β€œit's not gonna happen” is not an option, you should be prepared for everything
  8. Customer support process: procedures for maintaining a quick and efficient feedback loop between your customers and your company
  9. Employee onboarding and offboarding process
  10. Performance review process

The most important advice about regulating work: it should be a perfect balance between freedom and limitation that matches the vision and the culture of the company. And you should be always looking to have ROI-positive processes, with β€œI” in ROI standing for money, time, energy, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, etc.